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Netgear GS110EMX (10 ports)
285,14 EUR

Netgear GS110EMX

10 ports

Question about GS110EMX - 389534


3 years ago

Netgear GS110EMX-100PES or NETGEAR GS810EMX Nighthawk? Which is better?


3 years ago

Helpful answer

The two seem very similar, if not identical, in terms of hardware specs. Both 2x10GE, 8x1GE, managed, igmp v3, vlan, LAG, etc.

The Nighthawk seems to be technically designed for gaming, is in my opinion visually a disaster, apparently has a bit of gaming klicki bunti management software, possibly a bit more traffic prioritisation options and RGB LEDs. Whether it's really useful or worth the money

is a question mark.

I would probably save the 120.- and go with the GS110EMX-100PES - I see little real additional benefit with the Nighthawk. The GS110EMX-100PES can also be installed in a rack.

3 years ago

I agree, very similar from a technical point of view. The GS110EMX-100PES also has a 30-year warranty and takes up less space.