Best Silk'n products in the Face cleansing devices category

On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Silk'n products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.

1. Silk'n FaceTite Mini

Lisse les ridules sur des zones ciblés du visage
FaceTite Mini with radiofrequency and luminescent LED energy is an anti-ageing device for a skin that is both lighter
and younger. It concentrates on the wrinkles present in the small areas of the face, such as under the eyes, between the eyebrows and around the cheeks. FaceTite Mini deeply cleanses the skin and improves its appearance.

- Lisse les ridules sur des zones ciblés du visage
- Ideal for use around the eyes, the nose and between the eyebrows
- Reduces the visibility of the eye patches, the cores, the pits under the eyes and the ridges around the eyes
- In 4 weeks, a skin in mo yenne 24 % more ferme
- Sans danger for all skin types

Conçu pour les zones précises du visage
Le FaceTite Mini is an anti-ageing device specially designed to target small areas of the face. Its small tip allows you to apply it easily to the visible lines between the eyebrows and other signs of ageing such as eye patches, pits, eyebrow rashes, nasolabial rashes and lacrimal creases. Use it 2 or 3 times a week, 3 to 5 minutes per zone.

Cleansing the skin with RF energy and luminescent LED energy
For skin cleansing, Silk'n FaceTite Mini uses two technologies. RF bipolar energy (radio frequency) and luminescent LED energy. This combination ensures that the collagen and elastin fibres of the skin are contracted and reconstructed. It improves the skin's sanguine circulation and restores the skin from the inside out. Without aiguilles, operations or periods of recuperation.

Impressive results
The efficacy of the FaceTite Mini was analysed in an independent study involving 32 patients. After a period of use of four weeks, the results of an auto-evaluation questionnaire showed the following:

- 96.9 % declared that they had noticed a reduction in oil and less cereal patties
- 93,8 % have noted a reduction in the number of rides down the centre of the belly and the lacrimal crevices
- 90.6 % noted a reduction in the number of bruises under the eyes
- 100 % found that the FaceTite Mini was effective in reducing the visibility of the rides and declared that their face had an airier and more youthful appearance with no second-time effects.

In complete safety
Silk'n FaceTite Mini is equally suitable for women and men, on all skin types and all skin tones (including darker skin tones). It can be used in complete safety in areas with difficult access to the face, such as on the face and under the eyes, between the eyebrows and around the neck and cheeks (avoid the eyes).
There is no recovery period and bronzing after treatment is not a problem.

Utilisation without film
The FaceTite Mini can be used without film and lasts 20 to 30 minutes on a full charge: enough for a full session. Ce produit est livré avec un câble de charge USB.

2. Silk'n Pure

No more craving pimples, blackheads, coarse pores or make-up residue on your face? Then choose the professional face cleansing with Silk'n Pure. This facial cleansingbrush cleanses your skin immediately and removes all impurities. The vibrating and pulsating brush is particularly thorough. Your face will feel softer and more radiant after use. Silk´n Pure removes up to six times more make-up than manual cleansing, significantly reducing the likelihood of skin irritation. Experience the difference for yourself. 

3. Silk'n Antiaging device FaceTite Prestige Cordless

Detail Color: Gold, White, Device Type: Anti-Aging Device.

4. Silk'n Gesichtsbürste Mit Massagefunktion

5. Silk'n Revive

Silk´n Face Tite Revive FTC1PE1001.

6. Silk'n Facetite Ritual

Facetite uses the revolutionary HT technology which warms all the cell layers of the skin. It locates the damaged tissue and repairs it without surgery. The collagenand elastin fibres contract and the skin renews itself from within. Go ahead and prepare your skin with Silk'n Bright, connect the extension cord to the FaceTite device and use the serum for immediate and impressive anti-ageing results. Get significantly firmer and younger looking skin after each treatment. 

7. Silk'n LED Neck Mask

LED light technology for a younger-looking neck
We often overlook our neck, but its appearance has a huge impact on our youthfulness. So, give your neck a boost
with LED light. Silk'n LED Neck Mask works with red, blue, yellow and purple LED light to tackle fine lines, wrinkles, skin elasticity, pigmentation and skin texture. Leaving you with younger-looking and radiant skin.

- Effective LED light technology (red, blue, yellow and purple)
- Reduces fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation
- Increases collagen production, improves skin texture and tightens the skin
- Rapid 10-minute session

The power of LED light
Silk'n LED Neck Mask uses LED (Light Emitting Diode) light technology. NASA researched this technology in the eighties for its tissue-growth and wound-healing properties. Several studies followed, revealing that LED light stimulates cell division and the production of new cells and has tissue-repair capacity. Skin clinics all over the world now use this technology to improve the condition of the skin. Our team of beauty experts has incorporated it into our LED Neck Mask, which you can now easily use in the comfort of your own home.

The 4-in-1 mask for enhancing the overall appearance of your skin
The mask is equipped with 57 LED lights, with each light having 4 colours. The different colours all work at different wavelengths which have a specific purpose. This means that a range of skin problems can be tackled, improving and restoring the condition of the skin. The wavelength is referred to below in nm, which stands for nanometre, and indicates how deeply the light can penetrate the skin. Set the mask to Automatic Mode for a complete session that includes all LED colours. Or you can select Manual Mode if you want to focus on one specific colour.

- Red light, 633nm: reduces fine lines and wrinkles, stimulates collagen, and helps to improve blood circulation
- Blue light, 463nm: reduces acne-related redness and imperfections for clearer skin
- Yellow light, 592nm: improves skin hydration and soothes dry, sensitive skin
- Purple light, 463-633nm: anti-ageing and reduction of skin imperfections to improve the skin's vitality and radiance

Flexible material and quick sessions
The Silk'n LED Neck Mask is made of soft, flexible and natural silicone material, which follows the contours of your neck. This material is not only much more comfortable, it also ensures that the LED light has optimal contact with your skin. A session lasting 10 to 15 minutes is enough to restore your skin's radiance and to see improvements in the long term. Suitable for all skin tones and types, including sensitive skin.

8. Silk'n SkinVivid

Stress, an unhealthy lifestyle and environmental pollution all have a harmful impact on the skin, causing it to become grey, dull and dehydrated. Stress also makesmuscles tense, resulting in a drawn facial expression, with accompanying lines and wrinkles. Silk’n SkinVivid has been specially designed to give the face a hot and cold massage, which relaxes, detoxes and rejuvenates the skin and makes it smoother. This revitalises the skin and even helps reduce puffiness under the eyes. It also helps makeup go on more smoothly, because it shrinks the pores. The skin becomes more radiant and looks very much healthier. Give your skin an amazing transformation. 

9. Silk'n Revit Prestige

Silk’n ReVit Prestige is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to have a firm and vital skin that looks younger. Discover what this powerful microdermabrasiondevice can do for you.